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Saint von Grunheide



Lucy Von Grunheide x Cento Z Pohranicni Straze

Saint has completed his CD and CDX titles in competitive obedience, and his TD tracking title. He is currently on the chase for his TDX and the elusive Urban Tracking Dog and Urban Tracking Dog Excellent tracking titles. When not out finding tracking articles with mom, he enjoys playing on the bed with the kids or chasing his food bowl around the yard.

October 2011

This is an example of K9Nosework - a new sport growing quickly in the US and slowly making its way into Canada. In K9Nosework we teach the dog to indicate on three odours - birch, cloves and anise. For Nosework I the dog has to indicate bir...ch and in this video Saint is doing the container search, looking for a q-tip scented with birch oil. The event is timed. The sport is excellent for all dogs but especially retired dogs who still love to train and want to be active with their people. At 10 years of age, Saint is taking up his new hobby with gusto!